Moving on from one unconventional adventure to another...our newest endeavor places us back in the midwest. Here, we begin our own brand of homesteading with plenty of trials along the way. Join us (and laugh) as we foolishly take on these challenges as no modern family ought to.
Just a few pictures here of the short visit Bryce had with us up here in the NW. We had a jolly good time in Seattle, making the best of the rain, stopping for mac 'n cheese at the cheese factory at Pikes Place, tasting some of the famous rain and exploring the city. More pictures to come...
Just a few pictures here of the short visit Bryce had with us up here in the NW. We had a jolly good time in Seattle, making the best of the rain, stopping for mac 'n cheese at the cheese factory at Pikes Place, tasting some of the famous rain and exploring the city. More pictures to come...